Just a Girl with Goals

Just a Girl with Goals

Alright. Here I am. 

I know it sounds cliche but my dreams are continuing to become reality. My boutique, Our Three Winks, seemed so far from reality 3 years ago. My initial goal was to provide quality and trendy products for women like myself, who longed for support and empowerment. Today, that's still the backbone. And now, it's blossoming into even greater things. 

It all started with GOALS. Ladies, you don't need another New Year's Resolution. Don't set yourself up to feel like a failure. Resolutions typically involve wishes - wishes to stop doing something, wishes to start doing something, or wishes to avoid something. Let me help you.


Look inward. Four years ago, living on anxiety and by the seat of my pants was my lifestyle. I cried so many tears, on a daily basis. But what I did next would change everything. It started by looking inward. I had to be present with myself - my thoughts, my feelings, my actions, my motivations, and my values. I wrote a list -- a long list. It included things I'd learned, people I'd met, and projects I'd completed. I wrote down everything from old & new experiences to surviving failures & losses. 

I've always been an ambitious minded person and I knew that in order to focus on the future, I needed to reflect on the past. Trust me, this forward push is highly motivating. You'll be so glad you did it. No one else needs to be a part of this process or see your work because, let me tell you, it can make you feel uncomfortable - but it's key for your personal growth. You need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable before you can move forward. Evaluating your strengths and weaknesses, what you did right or wrong, and identifying areas for growth, so you can work on them. Be honest and critical of yourself, for yourself. 


Grab a notebook or even a journal. I started by writing all the wishes I had down on paper...and then changing those wishes into goals. Goals that I could define and make measurable. Goals that were realistic and would improve my life. Then I turned those big goals into monthly goals that I could reevaluate for a fresh start each month. Never underestimate yourself -- you are capable of achieving incredible things! 

Here are my tips for you:

  • Choose the categories you would like to set goals for easier navigation. i.e.Social, Financial, Academic, Mental Health, Physical Health, Spirituality, Health/Wellness, Personal Growth, Fun, Organizational, etc. 
  • Some months choose just one goal to focus on, while other times pick 2 or 3. When I have multiple goals, which I often do, I prefer to choose from different categories to improve multiple areas of my life. 
  • Write your goals clearly. Make it a good guide to help you. And it's important to remember, success is not necessarily about achieving your goal-- sometimes your progress matters more!
  • Make sure you make a good plan too. It's good to make a list below each goal of the actionable steps you need to do in order to achieve the goal. This plan will increase your chances of achieving or reaching your goals. 
  • Keep your goals visible. This provides daily motivation and inspiration to keep working on them. I write everything down in my notebook but each month, I update my planner (my life) with my new monthly goals.

Reflection, goal setting, and re-evaluation should become part of your daily routine. You will gain a greater sense of control over your life, improve your communication skills, make better decisions, and you'll learn to hold yourself accountable. If your life is even a little bit better because of it, then it was worth it!



Three years later, I am seeing my hard work pay off. I'm not going to lie. Some days, I wanted to give up. My notebooks & planners have thousands of scratch marks and new goals rewritten. BUT it works! I reflect, set monthly goals & re-evaluate and... my ideas don't happen perfectly- I aim for progress

I have some pretty lofty goals for 2024- personally, financially, and for my health & wellness but I have no doubt that I will be able to achieve them. I've been bursting with excitement to share all my new goals with you! I sure hope you'll join me & follow along as I continue to grow. I hope to inspire you as well. 

Setting monthly goals can become an essential part of improving yourself and working towards creating the life of your dreams. 



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